Financial records of Jack Gilman and family 1919-1961. 1919-1961.


Financial records of Jack Gilman and family 1919-1961. 1919-1961.

Various financial records including bank records, investment records, automobile purchase and registration, doctor bills and funeral home receipts, and some public welfare documents.

1 folder.


SNAC Resource ID: 7453616

Boulder Public Library

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Gilman, Mary Helen Sherman, 1892-1985, (person)

Helen Sherman was born in Jamestown in 1892 and lived since 1910 at 624 Concord in Boulder. She lost most of her hearing as the result of typhoid fever, which she caught when 6 years old, and lost it completely when 18 as the result of another illness. Since childhood she had psychic abilities, and earned a living as an adult giving tea leaf readings. Willa B. Sherman came to Colorado Territory in 1874 and was a miner. Anna Blackwell came with her parents to Colorado in ...

Gilman, John Edwin, 1889-, (person)

Gilman, Theodore G., 1919-1981. (person)